FAQ - Non Staff Member

Nanza CRM incorporates a unique feature referred to as the Non-Staff Member. This functionality allows you to include contract workers or freelancers to participate in projects without officially being employed by your organization.

However, there are certain restrictions in the CRM for Non-Staff Members.

Here's an enumeration of the attributes inaccessible to the Non-Staff Members:

- Announcements
- Newsfeed Wall
- Leads
- Support – Initially designated as NO, you can modify this according to your necessities at Setup->Settings->Tickets
- Public Calendar Events
- Google Calendar Events
- Goals.

Additionally, you have the flexibility to provide extra Permissions to this Non-Staff Member. For example, the Invoice [VIEW] permission permits the Non-Staff Member to access particular areas.

In case there's a requirement to designate a user as a Non-Staff Member, navigate to Setup->Staff, select the relevant user, and then tick the checkbox titled Not Staff Member.

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