An Admin has more functions and permissions than a user, by following these steps you may as well create other staff members, an Admin role will give you access to do so.
1. Go to "Setup" in the settings panel on the left side of the screen.
2. Inside "Setup" go to "Staff".
3. Once inside "Staff" find the "New Staff Member" button and press it.
4. Inside "New Staff Member" fill in the form with information to your liking and be sure to fill the mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk *.
5.After go to the top of the page and find "Permissions" placed to the right of profile and press on it.
6. Inside "Permissions" find and press the "Role" dropdown and choose the Admin role.
7. Tick all the required permission boxes this will allow the newly created Admin to have the permissions you have assigned to them, you may also choose not to change the permissions to the particular staff member by default.
8. After find and press the "Submit" button to save your changes.